Thursday, February 01, 2018

Making Use of Time While Nursing a Sore Throat

Well, it looks like I have not escaped the BUG.  This one started out weird though.  Usually I start out either with a sore throat or feeling just a bit "off".  This one started out with a stuffed up nose.  Then by evening, my throat began to get scratchy and then it was a full on sore throat.  So yesterday and today I have not gone outside to work.  I've tried to take it Easy, doing low energy tasks and during 6 to 8 cups of tea throughout the day.  I've also been wearing my essential oils necklace with a Breath Easy blend in it.

While I have not done a lot, I have accomplished a few things.  Yesterday I sifted through all the papers in the file having to do with life insurances.  I sorted them out according to whose life insurance each one is and filed them away in a special place where I am putting copies all important papers should something happen to either Rick or I.  After the fiasco trying to find important papers after my dad passed away, I decided I want to make sure everything is in one easy to find spot. 

I had an appointment set up with the funeral home for Friday to talk about burial/creamation plans, but since I am sick I cancelled that.  Will reschedule for next week some time.

So how about you?  Have you set everything up so your family doesn't have a mess to deal with after you are gone?  I have a lot that I want to do toward that end, this is only the beginning.  
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