Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Saved the Day: Tea Infuser

Recently when my daughter and I traveled to North Carolina to set up in her apartment so she could do her apprenticeship with Classical Conversations, this tea infuser saved the day, or maybe I should say saved the tea.

Right after we arrived in NC Sarah became very ill for 24 hours.  We had not had the chance to do a major shopping trip to supply her apartment with things she needed and when she was able to keep things in her stomach, a cup of green tea sounded good to her. 

All I had was one tea bag of green tea with me in my luggage so I got it out.  But alas!  I accidentally tore the tea bag, which would have rendered it useless under normal circumstances.  Who wants tea leaves floating around in their tea?

Sarah had asked for one of these tea infusers for her birthday.  Her birthday was in one day.  The gift was sitting wrapped up on her kitchen table with another gift being saved for the special day.  I grabbed it and gave it to her and said, "What's one day early?  Open this!"  She looked bewildered but opened it.  Then she laughed.

This tea infuser saved her tea.  I was able to put the broken tea bag in the infuser and brew her tea instead of having it wasted and her not getting any green tea to drink.

Another save this infuser has done for me, (I own one too) is that I meant to buy instant coffee and to my dismay realized after opening the can it was regular coffee.  Not to worry.  I just put a tablespoon of the coffee in the tea infuser and pour boiling water over it into my cup.  Granted some fine grounds still get through into the cup, but I'm not picky, so it works for me.  The coffee is not wasted and it's far cheaper than the instant stuff!

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