Friday, February 20, 2015

Last in 1 John coming up soon....then a break

I'm coming to the last verse in 1 John  soon. I don't know how many books I have blogged my way through in my devotions, but I'm ready for a break. My days are getting very busy lately and while I love searching God's word and finding nuggats of truth to apply to my life without reading someone else's thoughts all the time, I think I need to spend some time being fed God's Word from others.  It  takes a lot of time to write out what I am learning as I study the Bible and I need to free up some time for the schooling I am doing right now.  Reading my Bible, along with devotional thoughts from someone else will give me a few extra minutes to each day.  I may pop in a blog once in a while if something strikes me that I want to share, but after my next blog on the last vese of 1 John, my blogging will be sporatic.

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