Monday, January 26, 2015

Marsha's Musings: Action and Words (1 John 3:18-22 NASB)


Little children, let us not love with word or with tongue, but in deed and truth. We will know by this that we are of the truth, and will assure our heart before Him in whatever our heart condemns us; for God is greater than our heart and knows all things. Beloved, if our heart does not condemn us, we have confidence before God; and whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do the things that are pleasing in His sight. (1 John 3:18-22 NASB)

My kids are almost grown.  I don't know how well I have modeled these verses for them.  I'm sure I could have done better, but there is no point in bemoaning the past. I can start doing better right now. 

...whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do the things that are pleasing in His sight. (1 John 3:18-22 NASB)

Are these verses saying that if we put the right coins in, what we want will come out? No. God is not a cosmic vending machine. 1 John 5:14 tells us that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. This is the key. We must ask according to His will. How do we know his will?  We know by searching the Scriptures to learn the heart of God and by studying the prayers of the apostles and Jesus.

So what about our laundry list of needs that we pray about?  Is it wrong to bring our list to the Lord? No, if it's his will to answer to our liking, he will. If not, he won't. But whatever the answer, we need to be prepared to accept his will and be willing to let him sanctify us through it. 

It is my desire and prayer to do a better job of modeling my faith to my kids and husband.

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