Monday, September 05, 2011

Labor Day 2011

Today is my last day of "freedom" before the routines of school begin again.  I look at my pocket computer and see my To-Do list and wonder how I will ever get it all done between schooling, taking Sarah out for driving practice so she can get her license, traveling with my husband one day a month, the possibilities of Sarah landing a job that requires early morning risings or late night pick ups (I am getting panicked about getting her her license so I can be free from being tied down to her schedule is enough!)

I want to do the FlyLady thing, but can't seem to stay on the wagon. But I have to somehow get control of my schedule. The Chaos is driving me crazy.  (Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome).  And yet, the stress of trying to stay on a schedule and having my pocket computer nag me all day drives me crazy too.  Oh if life were simpler!

I wonder how much I sabotage myself by the choices I make?  Perhaps more than I want to admit.  I know that this computer is a huge time waster for me, yet I can't stay away from it.  I am the email person for our home school group. I'd have a few people upset with me if I ignored it and didn't send the stuff out that comes in.  But I always get so distracted and sidetracked when I get on the computer. I only intend to spend 15 minutes and before I know it I've frittered away an hour or two.

Oh wretched woman that I am!  I am like the Apostle Paul when he said the things he should do he doesn't and the things he shouldn't do he does.  Priorities.  I have got to get my priorities straightened out!  Would it help if I kept my dying day in view?  What would I do if I knew I was going to die at the end of this week?  Would I spend the time sitting at the computer messing around?  I think not.  At least I hope not!  Oh, Lord, kick me in the hinney and get me going in the way I should go!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I really love you! You are so real and down to earth. I have given up a lot of things that my lupus says I just can't do any more. It has been freeing in a way. Life will get a bit easier once Sarah has her license, at least that's the way it was around here. Thanks for writing. Keep it up!

Joyce Meyers (facebook)