Saturday, July 25, 2009

FW: Democrats refuse to allow Republicans to mail information on the Obama health care plan to their constituents

I went to the link below and read the whole article.  It is disturbing that democrats are trying to keep truth from the American public.




Sufficient Grace Publishing


Sufficient Grace for Suffering Saints


The Aroma of Change




From: Don Wildmon []
Sent: Friday, July 24, 2009 11:41 AM
Subject: Democrats refuse to allow Republicans to mail information on the Obama health care plan to their constituents




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Democrats refuse to allow Republicans to mail information on the Obama health care plan to their constituents

See the bureaucratic mess which Obama is pushing

July 24, 2009

Dear Marsha,

Democrat House Members are refusing to allow Republican House Members to mail a diagram of the bureaucratic mess which President Obama is proposing with his health care plan..

On the first line of the third paragraph of the Roll Call article, click on the "view PDF" link to see the mess. If you can't figure it out, don't feel bad. I doubt if anyone else can either.

This two trillion dollar health care plan creates a bureaucratic nightmare!

Click here to read the Roll Call article, then be sure to click on the "view PDF" link.

Be sure to forward this to your family and friends.

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Donald E. Wildmon,
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