Sunday, July 26, 2009

Devotional: Found, Led, Instructed, Kept

Found, Led, Instructed, Kept

By Marsha Iddings

Deuteronomy 32:10 He found him in a desert land, and in the waste howling wilderness; he led him about, he instructed him, he kept him as the apple of his eye.

Moses speaks here in figurative language. These verses speak of how God took the Children of Israel and led them and instructed them in the desert wilderness. It shows God's loving care and concern over His own.

There are times in our lives when we go through difficulties, pain and sorrow. They could be called wilderness or desert times of our lives. I have found over and over again that God makes Himself more real to me during these times than any other. His care comforts me and I find that His instruction and leading is more clear to me during these times. Perhaps when times are tough I am more willing to listen to His instruction and that makes it seem more clear to me then.

When I have been laid up for one reason or another and forced to sit still or be in bed, I’ve discovered that these times can be green pastures and still waters. God makes me to lie down and He leads me as I recover. Emilie Griffen says in an article in Seattle Pacific University’s Response Magazine, “Adversity gets our attention. Somehow it makes us more creative, sharpens our vision, our hearing, our gift of interpretation. In lean times, we understand fully our dependence on God. We become more aware of what God wants to say.”

Quoting again from Emilie Griffen, “Grace is not gentle or made to order. It often comes disguised as loss, or failure, or unwelcome change.” As I think of our present government administration and the changes they are trying to make with health care, Cap & Trade taxes, Un Rights of the Child, Nationalized Education Standards and other changes, I wonder, is grace coming disguised as unwelcome change? Am I getting so upset about these things that I am missing God’s grace hidden in the changes? There is nothing wrong with actively working to keep these things out of our lives if possible, but when we become so consumed by them that we fail to see God’s grace in it then we have overstepped the boundary and are not trusting God but ourselves.

Where are you today? Have you been found in a wilderness, desert time in your life? Stay in the Word of God. Listen for His instruction and leading. God will keep you always close to Him. You will find great comfort, direction and grace as you go through these times.

Sufficient Grace Publishing

Sufficient Grace for Suffering Saints

The Aroma of Change

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