Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Marsha's Musings: Faithful in Charity 3 John 1:5-8

Beloved, thou doest faithfully whatsoever thou doest to the brethren, and to strangers; -3 John 1:5
Which have borne witness of thy charity before the church: whom if thou bring forward on their journey after a godly sort, thou shalt do well: -3 John 1:6
Because that for his name’s sake they went forth, taking nothing of the Gentiles. -3 John 1:7
We therefore ought to receive such, that we might be fellowhelpers to the truth. -3 John 1:8

Gaius apparently was a charitable man. He was faithful in helping the Jewish Christians on their journeys.  I'm not sure if they were being sent out as missionaries or if they were simply poor and persecuted pilgrims or refugees. 

Whatever the case, Gaius is commended for his charity.  Can I be commended for my charity to others?  What can I do to show charity to other Christians?

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