Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Marsha's Musings: 30 Years of Marriage

It's hard to figure out where all the years have gone.  Thirty years.  That's a long time, and yet it has gone by like a vapor in the wind.

There have been ups and there have been downs in the last thirty years.  We have weathered infertility, food allergies, bipolar, hospitalizations (thankfully few), church problems, death of Rick's parents, some things I won't mention, assorted health issues, and the challenges of raising two kids.

We have had the joy's of having two babies, a boy and a girl and the combined joys and difficulties of raising and schooling them.  They are almost ready to leave the nest and we have mixed feelings about that.

We've been able to purchase three homes and sell two in our thirty years of marriage.  That was fun and challenging, but faith building to see how God worked in all of that.

Simply put, marriage is not for wimps. It takes intestinal fortitude to work through problems that could explode the relationship if not handled well by both parties.  

For those who are Christians there is the spiritual attacks of Satan as he seeks to destroy that which mirrors the relationship of Christ to the Church and God the Father to the Son and Holy Spirit.  It is a spiritual battle field.

I've learned as a wife that Scripture tells me to respect my husband.  It's a command that is not dependent on whether or not I think he deserves or is worthy of the respect.  So often I have slipped in this area.  

I've learned that I have to look to God for my fulfillment, not to my children or my husband.  They will fail.  God will not.  If I can remember this, it helps me to not get upset when they do not perform to my expectations.  I still struggle with this from time to time.

I have learned to bite my tongue.  We women have sharp tongues.  I've reaped the consequences of not controlling my tongue many times in our marriage.  Yes I still have to be diligent to bite my tongue but I am learning.

Marriage is a great tool in the hand of God for sanctification.  

Rick has been a wonderful provider for our family, faithfully fulfilling his duties at work.  He loves me in spite of all my shortcomings.  He has been willing to eat my failed recipes and burned turkey with out much complaint.  He attends church with us each week as he is able. He puts up with my crazy busy schedule.  He comes home for meals each day at noon and at dinner time.  He sees to getting the cars maintained so I don't have to.  

I love you, Rick!  Thanks for 30 years of marriage!

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