Sunday, August 03, 2008

Marsha's "Mousings": God is in Control of Mice

This mouse has been keeping me awake at night since Wednesday. With four traps set we thought we would get him easily enough, but he was a smart one. He kept stealing the bait without triggering the traps. Perhaps God was using this mouse to teach me a lesson. I have been quite busy lately and have neglected my own personal time with God. God allowed the mouse to get me so sleep deprived that I was ready to take desparate measures just to get rid of it and be able to get some rest. Last night I began to browse through my "faith journal" and was reading some things I had put in there on trials. One thing that stood out to me was that God sometimes uses trials in our lives to drive us back to him. I had to repent of my sin of not seeking His face first daily and acknowledge that He was ultimately in control of the mouse and had a purpose for allowing it to torment me night after night. God was merciful last night. I was awakened at 2:45 am by the sound of a snapping mouse trap. Rick checked the trap and we got our mouse! Praise be to God!

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