God is Unchangeable
We live in a world of change. It makes it hard to grasp the truth that God never changes. God is immutable- latin root meaning to change or mutate. With "im" add to the front it means unchangeable. The Greek gods changed constantly. God doesn't change His actions according to circumstances.
Our security in our salvation lies in this immutability. God doesn't give us salvation one day and take it away the next.
Psalm 102:25-27
Malachi 3:6
Hebrews 13:8
James 1:16-8
Exodus 3--I AM tells us God is the way He always was and always will be. He is perfect, lacking nothing.
Jeremiah 17:9 the heart of deceitful, wicked. The unregenerate heart can't trust in anything but its own abilities.
8 Lessons
- Because God is immutable, His promises do not change. We promise many things but don't follow through. God's promises stand. Hebrews 6:13-15: Romans 14:8 Abraham trusted God's promises. Hebrews 10:36 Only those who persevere to the end will receive God's promises. Mark 16:16 those who do not believe will be condemned. This is also one of God's unchangeable promises. Romans 8:1 We stand on this promise as believers. God intervenes in the lives of His own and saves them completely 100%. It's all His work, not 80% His work and 20% our's...salvation is all of Him, so one can boast.
- Because God is immutable His purposes do not change. 1 Samuel 15:29. God has planned the course of human history and nothing changes His plans and purposes. Our plans and purposes change continually. God never has to "debug" His plans.
- Because God is immutable, His character never changes. God always cares, always forgives His own, always works all things for the good of His own. Romans 8:28
- Because God is immutable His love for His own will never change. He is consistent and will always love us. Romans 8. Do seasons of difficulty mean He no longer loves us? No. Nothing can separate us from His love. See the end of Romans 8.
- Because God is immutable our moral and ethical convictions should never change. Our moral and ethical convictions are what makes us like our God. Our moral convictions must exceed the unbeliever's. Matthew 5:20. Our moral/ethical convictions must encompass more than what they eye can see. Matthew 5:48 "Be perfect..." sets the standard so high it's out of reach but it should be our goal. Philippians 3:12-14 "...press on toward the mark..." Never sacrifice moral/ethical convictions.
- For the sake of your reputation. 1 Timothy 3:7 Elders must have a good reputation. Proverbs 22:1
- For the sake of your character. The real barometer of what we are is what we do and think when no one is looking. Matthew 15:19 Our own mind is where the battles will be won or lost. Matthew 17:18
- For the sake of our testimony. It's what our character says about God. Prov. 15:8; Psalm 51:6; If we forsake our moral/ethical convictions we are lying about who God is to the world. We are taking His name in vain.
7. Because God is immutable, His truth never changes. Society tries to redefine truth. Psalm 119:89 God's truth never changes. Isaiah 40:8 All truth is God's truth--it's not determined by the whims of man. God is the source and sole authority of truth. It doesn't matter what man says. Romans 3:4; Satan is a liar --the father of lies. Psalm 119:160; Psalm 145:18 If we claim to know truth but don't live it, we lie. 1 John 3:18. Psalm 86:11; 1 John 1:5-7; Our salvation is sure because God's truth does not change.
8. Because God is immutable, our hope does not change. Our hope rests in the Christ who never changes. Hebrews 6:19-20. An anchor for the soul. An anchor holds the ship so it does not drift or crash into other vessels. Sometimes the anchor is thrust forward to pull the ship into deeper water. Our anchor is thrust forward into heaven and pulls us toward God.
Disclaimer: I have tried to copy my notes exactly, however, sometimes a slip of the finger or an accidentally skipped word happens that I don't catch that changes the whole meaning. If you see something like this please let me know so I can fix it.
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